07 September 2009

Cadiz, Sevilla, and Small Freak Out

We have been in port now for 2 days. Spain is a beautiful country and it is nice not being on the ship. It got really small really fast. Overall, I am enjoying my time in Spain. I am a little worried about not taking full advantage of my opportunity, but optimism is forcing me to believe I will get better at the traveling thing as this is just my first port.
Upon arrival, we had to wait a couple hours for the ship to be cleared before exploring Cadiz. I signed up for a last minute city tour, which was really beneficial because it gave us a feel of where to explore on our own. I went for a walk with some new friends and we ran into this street performer in a small plaza, he was making huge bubbles with a hand-made tool. It was two long sticks and a cotton strings made of old t-shirts. There were two girls running around popping them. He saw us watching and let us try. I made two successfully. They were the biggest bubbles I have ever seen, two adults could fit inside of them. It is funny that of all the monuments and history I saw, this may have been one of the most memorable moments.
Kelly Rose and I decided to visit Sevilla, so we booked a bus and hotel for two nights and we are here now. Our hotel is beautiful. It has two courtyards--one of which houses a full grown orange tree.
We have been taking it easy not filling our schedule too too much. I am a little upset though because we have been taking taxis to this one area of town which we thought was a long way from our hotel only to find out it was just around the corner. I feel a little taken advantage of, and like a stupid american but I guess it is a good lesson to learn early on. I wish so badly that I was multi-lingual. This is going to be the most difficult thing for me. I don't tend to be shy but it has been hard for me. Last night we went to a couple bars on riverside and although I talked to this one guy from Sevilla for the whole night, I couldn't tell you anything we talked about.
I am a little nervous for the non-european countries next on the itinerary. There are things I want to do but I am scared to do it on my own. Homesickness is setting in a little bit, and I am trying to keep my nerves. I am making myself anxious. I know I can do this, but it has been difficult. I don't want to miss out. I just have to be comfortable in the fact that I am not going to see everything so I should enjoy what I do see and not take it for granite by worrying what I miss.
We will head back to Cadiz tomorrow morning early. So tonight will be an early night. I am just going to write some post cards, meet up with some friends for dinner and go to sleep. Wish me luck.

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