My heart once again light, flutters with excitement.
As I embark further on this adventure, sitting at Joe's Beach Bar at Honeymoon Beach on Water Island, I can't help but to once again possess THE STOKE. Things are looking up and not just my walk home.
I am waiting to watch an outdoor movie that plays every Monday night on Water Island. The only way to get to Water Island is by boat or a small passenger ferry from Crown Bay in Charlotte Amalie. There are only 130 residents and everyone gets around on golf carts. Water Island feels safer than other islands, I guess because it is so secluded and the only people living there are the elite and vacationers. I took the ferry over early and met some vacationers from Canada, they told me I looked lonely and insisted I join them. I've actually gotten very comfortable flying solo, but it is just assumed that if you are alone, it's not by choice. I was glad for their company and chatted with them for a while.
After the movie, I hitched a golf cart ride with two older fellows back to the ferry dock, and waited there with the rest of the St. Thomasers. Usually the ferry ceases to run after 6:30 but a special exception on movie night allows riders to get back to St. Thomas 15 minutes after the movie. A half an hour after waiting (everything is island time), Bill, our captain docked up and helped us all board.
In all the time waiting, I met a crew of boys that happened to be room mates with one of my Coco Blue co-workers. Calling my Rose, because of the print on my romper, the offered me a ride home to Red Hook, because they were headed their to party anyways. I gladly accepted. When we arrived at the parking lot, a predicament arose. With 9 passengers and a Jeep Wrangler, the ten minute car ride was transforming into a scene from a circus. I opted out and went to call a cab. Unfortunately, the cabbie told me to wait in the parking lot next to the jeep. The boys insisted that I help them reach maximum capacity. So, I looked around, ran over, threw my back in, and hoisted myself in. Ridiculous. Fun. Unsafe. But, we all survived.
I meet with Pamela tomorrow to discuss the potential chef/mate position on her private, luxury 44' Catamaran. And before I hung up asked if I would be available to go to St. Maarten (Dutch and French East Caribbean Island) next Tuesday.
I love it here, the islands are captivating my heart, and I am finally nestling in.
Mini castles afloat in the field of blue,
each flying their flag,
As the sun dips once again,
magnifying a path for me
I gaze out at the silhouettes,
each prospectively facing the wind.
Exactly where I'm supposed to be
my soul, refreshed,
is put to ease,
thankful for the Caribbean breeze.
Why did you stop your blog? And did you get the wonder women that Adam left for you when he was there? He left it with Emilys sister.