22 August 2009

first leg of magellan.

life is good. 

the plan: pops flew to boston to stay with drew and josie for a week; zoe and i drove up to maynard to pick up pops; we are hanging out in cape cod for the weekend; driving up to halifax, stopping by maine to meet up with nima on the AT; mom and the hargroves will fly up to halifax where everyone will see off kelly rose and me.

despite our goal of departing st. michaels at 9pm on thursday evening to arrive in maynard, massachusetts in the wee hours of friday morning, zoe and hit the road at 11pm. after a visit to grandma florrie, some last minute packing and a trip home for a forgotten retainer, we were finally on track.  thinking we were invincible from our recent 30 hr drive home from colorado, zomo and i thought the drive was going to be cake. not so much. there was a ridiculous amount of construction, and i didnt squeeze in  my regular daily nap i have unfortunately gotten used to. the 9 hr drive was a battle to stay awake.

as soon as we got to maynard, zoe and i passed out and slept until 1pm. we are visiting friends drew and josie that we have known forever. we just hung out all day trying to stay cool in the hot humid weather currently plaguing new england. for dinner we had a traditional brazilian bbq, which was quite intense for someone who just fell off the vegan wagon.  so much MEAT. around 4pm antonio, the boss of the contractors currently working on drew and josie's house showed up with a 30 lbs slab of dead cow-no exaggeration. there were more left overs than most bbq's i have attended begin with (i will be posting pics to prove the absurdity of this bbq). 

the bbq had an interesting crowd.  accompanying antonio, representing the brazilians were elmer, alex, and "the guy from new jersey" (he didn't speak english, and josie says he has jersey tags on his car).  elmer was an intimidating looking bald northern brazilian--and he let antonio know how much better north brazil is than the south. alex looked very familiar and it wasnt until later when drew pointed out that he resembled lurch from the addams family that i realized where i recognized him from. also hanging out was jason the backyard neighbor.  jason gave zoe and i an amazing tour of his yard. and he has a sweet setup. he has all kinds of light fixtures and a sweet back porch.  i love how excited he was about the future of his backyard.  it will be fun to see it in several years.

on saturday we woke up early and made the 2 hr drive out to the cape. i just love coming out here to cape cod. i have been coming here with my family to visit drew and josie every summer since i was 7. there are many memories at 64 skipjack way.  

i have no complaints so far with my big adventure.  it has been more of a vacation than anything else.

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